Hoy es el #DiaDelAireLimpio, para medir su calidad podemos construir medidores DIY (Hazlo tú mismo) económicos con datos abiertos como @AireCiudadano. Ejemplo el profesor de @UniversidadECCI Iván Ardila que junto a sus alumnos de ing ambiental construyeron una red de medición.
Etiqueta: DIY
Artículo Discover Magazine: Can This Cheap, DIY Air Pollution Sensor Help the World Get Clean Air?
Can This Cheap, DIY Air Pollution Sensor Help the World Get Clean Air? Colombian citizen scientists built dirt-cheap air quality monitors and deployed them across their city, forcing the government to confront its pollution. Now they’re teaching others to build them, too. Citizen Science Salon By Eric Betz Link: https://www.discovermagazine.com/environment/can-this-cheap-diy-air-pollution-sensor-help-the-world-get-clean-air